Sunday, January 3, 2016

3 - Take Flight Dear Heart

Forgiveness and contentment is the key to happiness -- this is what my mom has always been telling me. For the past eight months, at last! I came back to life. I can feel something again. I am 'myself' again. 

I thought I would stay this way for a long period of time. But little did I know that there will be an unexpected thing to happen at an unexpected time. I've already come a long way, thanks to my mom who was there for me all through out my journey, to my friends who never run out of tissues and pieces of advises, and of course, to the man who never stopped pursuing me. 

Blessed, I am for I have these people in my life. So, if you're having a hard time on the first phase of your journey, never ever stop moving forward. There will always be a finish line for these matters. Just have faith and trust Him. 

4 - Ang Tatay Mong Kalbo

Last October 10, 2015, Teatrè Phileo presented "Ang Tatay Mong Kalbo" which was written by Isagani Cruz. It was held at the Multipurpose Hall 1 of Asia Pacific College, Magallanes, Makati City. The play was blank-ticketed meaning you can pay any amount that you want. 

It started on a morning setting wherein Mr. & Mrs. Santos are already arguing about certain matters. They were arguing a lot on some issues that are none sense. Once, they were having a conversation about their friend's lives. I guess this play is portraying on what is happening in the real world. Wherein, peope give most of their attention on things that wouldn't even affect their lives, and give least of their attention on the matters that would really affect their lives.

The play was great. The characters did a great job on giving life to the characters they were assigned to. I would like to commend the director of the theatre play for doing a great masterpiece. And also, to the staff and crew of the successful play. Kudos! GGWP - Good Game Well Played ;) 

15 - ERC DAY 2

The second day of ERC Culminating Activity was the SoM Speech Choir. Wherein different student from different courses coming from the School of Management would compete with the masterpiece of Edgar Guest entitled "At Christmas" which is really in line with the season because Christmas was approaching back then. 

At first, our block didn't know that the competition was fast approaching because none of our professors informed us. In fact, we didn't even know what piece are we going to use. Good thing Miss Nina had a glimpse of asking us if we have already had our practice regarding on the said competition. Of course, all of us were in a state of shock for we haven't heard of it yet. So, we asked Miss Nina about all the details we need for the said competition. 

Having a speech choir is not new for us anymore because we already had it when we were in our high school. On the first day of our practice, suggestions were made. Brainstorming and planning on what were supposed to do to make our presentation a good one. Of course, who would want a crappy presentation. 

Problems of course are always present when it comes to planning.. we have to weigh in the pros and cons if we consider a certain props or action that we will take in for our presentation. We had many suggestions that it had overwhelmed our assigned leaders for they don't know anymore what to take in and what to slash out. That even on the last day of our practice, they push through another new action or props.

On the very last day of our practice, we had our discussion about what should we wear. First, we considered wearing pajamas for our setting would be like the night before Christmas. But then some of our fellow classmates doesn't have their pair of pajamas and of course we have to consider that because we wouldn't want a "costy" presentation. So we came up on a mainstream idea of wearing a united color which is red and black pants for boys and black skirts for girls. I know black is always a good idea but.. okay.

The competition day came we were so nervous about our presentation for we are the only ones who aren't that prepared because we crammed. But it is okay, what's important is we enjoyed what we did. We're still cute though.

14 - ERC DAY 1

"A good speech is like a pencil, it has to have a point." - Anonymous

On the 1st day of ERC Day (don't sing this isn't a jingle bell, Christmas is over so stop).. there was a high school inter class public speaking that was held in our APC Auditorium wherein high school students from different schools competed. They shared a speech in where it has to be related with the theme "Time is gold." A lot of these students had an emotional speech that includes their past experiences. But just like the saying above this paragraph.. A good speech is like a pencil, for the reason that is has to have a point. Only a few of them had these remarkable speech, for if your speech has a good point it will be remarkable for the judges as well as the audiences. 

As for me, being one of the audiences listening to their heartfelt speeches, not a single speech had an impact on me. It was like a mainstream speech. This is only my opinion. Good thing I was not one of the judges. It must be hard to choose the winner. I can't be a judge for I am not a judgmental person. Okay, so that was supposed to be a joke. And it doesn't even makes sense. Going back, no one really had a great speech. In fact, I can't even remember a single speech. I'm not an enthusiast on this matter but I guess a good speech is one with an impact and it must be remarkable for the judges as well as the audiences. It could be your nickname if it really made a great impact to someone. 

13 - Edge of Tomorrow

Edge of Tomorrow is one of the best films in 2014. It's not just edge of your seat nail biting entertainment. You'll also think about it when it's over, which is saying a lot in the flash paper world of big movie entertainment where stories are made to go in one eye out the other. Not gimmicky or derivative, it's actually about something we've lost touch with in American culture; perseverance in the face of despair. It's something the audience certainly knows about. The economy is fostering it upon 99% of us everyday. 

This movie is cut from that same cloth. Trapped in a repeating day a shallow self serving hero William Cage (tom Cruise) is faced with a brutal comeuppance for his selfish ways. I am not a Tom Cruise fan but somehow I think he's upped his game in his many outings as he matures as a performer. He brings many layers to this one, not the least of which is his lighthearted ability to bring a comedic spin, seemingly impossibly, to his multiple assassinations by his mentor and love interest, 

Rita Vrataski (Emily Blunt) during his training sequence. Bill Paxton as a fierce platoon commander and Brendan Gleeson as General of United Earth Forces, not to mention the rag tag squad Cruise is hung out to dry with round out the excellent cast. 

The cleverness of the movie is partly that we have to experience a new alien invasion threat, A tall order that director Dong Liman and the art department succeed at alarmingly well. The second problem, any writer can tell you, is having to personalize the movie in Cage's crushing Kafkaesque entrapment. He dies on an Omaha-like beach so many times you begin to become convinced it's actually happening. And once he gets past that soul crashing labyrinthine gauntlet things get really hard. The man who only had himself to live for, starts to live for someone else and that begins to change who he is. Adapted from a book there are three credited screenwriters including Christopher Mcquarrie, hats off to them all.  

This film touches on that deep theme and brings it home as in the end.. hope is all they have left, Perseverance wins. It's good message for the rest of us leave the theater and go back to fighting the good fight everyday. 


12 - Phantom of the Opurra

Andrew Lloyd Webber's musical version of The Phantom of the Opera is one of the most successful pieces of entertainment of all time, produced in any media, and its success is continuing all over the world.

It was estimated that this masterpiece has been seen by more than 140 million people, and the total worldwide gross is now in excess of $6 billion. The show has won over 70 major theater awards including three Olivier Awards, the most recent being the 2002 Oliver Audience Award for Most Popular Show, an Evening Standard Award, seven Tony Awards including Best Musical, seven Drama Desk Awards and three Outer Critic Circle Awards. 

Some technical facts about the original production of The Phantom of the Opera...

The dazzling replica of the Paris Opera House chandelier is made up of 6,000 beads consisting of 35 beads to each string. It is three meters wide and weighs one ton. The touring version falls at two and a half meters per second. The original was built by five people in four weeks. Also, the phantom's make-up takes two hours to put on and 30 minutes to take off. The face is moisturized, closely shaved and the prosthetic are fitted, setting immediately, before two wigs, two radio mics and two contact lenses (one white and one clouded) are placed. Moreover, 2,350 meters of fabric are used for the drapes, 900 of them specially dyed. The tasseled fringes measure 226 meters. They are made up of 250 kilos of dyed wool interwoven with 5,000 wooden beads imported from India. Each one is handmade and combed through with an Afro comb. On the other hand, there are 130 cats, crew and orchestra members directly involved in each performance and each performance has 230 costumes, 14 dressers, 120 automated cues, 22 scene changes, 281 candles and uses 25 kilograms of dry ice and 10 fog and smoke machines. All in all, the touring production takes 27 articulated lorries to transfer the set between theaters. 


6 - Parasyte

This story is about aliens who want to rule the world by getting inside the human body and control their minds. As for Shinichi, that night when these parasites are about to take control of the human bodies they are going through via their ear canal, fortunately, Shinichi was listening to music that night. He's ears were clogged with these earphones. But the parasite still found a way to get through he's body. Twas through his hands. 

Of course, what's the essence of watching an action movie without a violent fighting scene, where bloods are flowing and of course the main character is alive and kicking. 

Shinichi then had superpowers because of Migi the parasite. They fought the bad parasites who ate humans. Once, they killed a bad parasite, but then this parasite knew he had to transfer to another body. Unfortunately, the parasite saw Shinichi's mom. He then transferred immediately to her body.

It was the most painful part for Shinichi. He regret all the things he didn't say to his mom when she was still in her body. This movie, thought me that if you have something to say to someone, tell it. Don't let time pass by. Nobody knows what's going to happen tomorrow. We must take the opportunity to thank someone or to say sorry or I love you.. 

I'd like to take this opportunity to say "I love you" to the one that never gives up on me. At this point, I realized that God gave me you. Thank you for the love, respect, and patience. Sorry, for all the times I made you upset, sad and cry. You are my inspiration. You are the reason why I didn't give up on myself. You are the reason why I'm smiling again. 

At first, I was like Shinichi who wants to get rid of you -- you are the parasite (lol), but then you were there all through my path. You stood by my side. I made mistakes, but I never heard foul words from you. Instead, you encouraged me to do better. 

If it wasn't for you I wouldn't pass those circumstances. You never left my side just like Migi. You are my strength. Please don't leave my side. I feel weak when I'm not with you. 

Be my Migi. :) 

5 -Turn Left Turn Right

This is a movie about two people, who were destined to be together but by some twist of fate and circumstances they never find each other. So, even if each of them race down their stairs and arrive on the street at the exact and the same moment – they will head in different directions.

The story "Turn Left, Turn Right" is based on the illustrated book "A Chance of Sunshine" by Jimmy Liao a Taiwanese author, who makes a cameo appearance with his wife and daughter in the film. And also, it was the first Chinese-language Asian film ever from produced and distributed by Warner Bros. 

The original graphic novel was first published in the year 1999. The characters in the novel were not given names, both characters were only referred to as "him" and "her".

The movie portrayed the reality of how the right time works. They both knew each other since they were in grade school. They even had a crush on each other and they refer to them by their serial number due to, they were both shy to introduce themselves. 

Little did they know that in every moment they are in the same places. And worst, is that their apartment rooms were just one wall apart. All the struggles they faced were not easy. It even came to a point wherein, both of them needs to be confined at the hospital. Serendipity again.. they were rushed in the same hospital. 

Well, of course after a rain there comes a rainbow. After all the struggles they went through, God made a miracle for them to see each other. Alas! The long wait is over.

"Turn Left Turn Right" is a must watch film. As I was watching, somehow, it reminds me of my man. He faced a lot of circumstances, but now it'll be us against all odds.