Thursday, November 26, 2015

11 - Media Literacy

Media Literacy is a 21st century approach to education. It provides a framework to access, analyze, evaluate, create and participate with messages in a variety of forms - from print to video to the internet. 

according to:

Last, November 25, 2015, people from the GMA Network and the people behind the and they tackled about how appropriate your words should be whenever you are going to post it specially, on your social media because we all know, that at one glance, that might be the start of your rise or prolly, it might be your downfall. 

Netizens are often aggressive and harsh on their choice of words whenever they do not like what you said, what you post and to the extent that your opinion must me align with what is their opinion. Well, of course, you have your rights to stand for what you believe. But hey, in reality? Netizens would often bash you, so, you must be careful on your choice of words.  

In the seminar that they had conducted, they told us what are the advantages and disadvantages in having a social media. And social media is not a threat or harm on you, it's just that it must be used in its utmost altruistic use. 

Perhaps, this might be a medium to start a propaganda, to start a campaign, to light up the mind of the dull, to inform, to entertain or to educate. In everything that you do, you must know what are your purpose and what could it be its effects to the people who could've seen your post. 

In everything that you post, think first before you click. 

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