Saturday, October 31, 2015

7 - SoM Week


Last week was the first opening of the SoM week because the former name of our school was SoAB. Most of the students from the accountancy wanted it to be SoAB. So do I. I stand for SoAB. Where is the accountancy in management? 

However, I enjoyed this SoM week. Apart from having no classes, we participated on some events. We cheered our candidates for Mr. & Ms. SoM. 

Many seminars were held last week at the Multipurpose Hall 1. I learned a lot from the speakers who shared their knowledge to us. We even got our certificate of participation for the said seminars. 

Among the activities, what I enjoyed the most was the Mr. & Ms. SoM because we cheered for our candidates. Our section had two representatives. One of our representatives, Latrell Georelle G. Sombilon garnered three awards. Best in Casual Wear, People's Choice Award and 2nd runner up. Not bad for a first timer.  He was the only accounting student that got in the semi-finals. Congrats, Latrell! AC152 and all the accountancy student are so proud of you. 

Sunday, October 11, 2015

1 - M-E-R-I-F-E

Yup, that's my name. Hi there, my name is Merife and welcome to my blog site. First things first, blogging isn't my thing because I'm much of a talker and less of a writer. I just don't feel like sharing my thoughts on a public site. Sorry not sorry.

So, let's proceed on introducing myself. My full name is Merife Villanueva Salinas, I turned 17 this September 22, 2015. I am taking up BS Accountancy at Asia Pacific College and I've got no plans at all to shift to another course. I have an interest on historical issues and if given a chance I'd love to be a historian someday together with Lourd De Veyra and Xiao Chua. They said I am a crazy cat lady but no, that isn't true. I'm just a cat enthusiast. I love going on adventures with or without a friend with me. But I prefer having a company with me so if ever I get lost I can't be the only one who's lost. Plus, every thing's better with a friend.

I guess that's all for now.

2 - Heneral Luna

Heneral Luna also known as “Heneral Artikulo Uno” or “The Fiery General” was born on 29th of October 1866 and died on 5th of June 1899 at the age of 32. He served as the Supreme Chief of the Army under the First Philippine Republic wherein Emilio Aguinaldo is the president. He is also the brother of the prominent painter Juan Luna.

Heneral Antonio Luna de San Pedro y Novicio Ancheta

I have known Heneral Luna since I was in grade school but, those were only few facts about him. I don’t know why he isn’t emphasized in our history books. He had this great strategic idea on how we can defeat our enemy but, here goes Felipe Buencamino and his men who were making friends with our enemies. I knew that ever since, this kind of thinking already exists.

Heneral Antonio Luna is a brilliant general under Gen. Emilio Aguinaldo during the Philippine Revolution. Heneral Luna is a fiery-tempered but intelligent and strategic general. He is a tough man with a dignity and has a principle that no man is above the law even the president. He's strict when it comes to rules. He doesn't want a lousy soldier. It came to a point that he even hits anyone who is not following him. His strictness is often mistaken as boastfulness.

The 2015 Filipino historical biopic film depicting Heneral Antonio Luna’s life and leadership during the Philippine-American War entitled Heneral Luna directed by Jerrold Tarog earned lots of positive comments and praises for its great cinematography, production design, visual effects, costumes, and its actors and actresses.

In the movie Heneral Luna starring John Arcilla, showed how Heneral Luna was when he was fighting for our country. The film showed how he was as a Supreme Chief and how he was strict to his soldiers. He doesn’t want a lame and lousy soldier. He even stated that no man is above the law even the president.

The film showed his strengths and weaknesses.

As what Mark Madrona wrote on his blog,

This year, last August 14, the Articulo Uno production team together with their staff and crew behind the prestigious Filipino movie entitled Heneral Luna went to our school and held a forum on Bayani Ba To? Heroism for Millennials.

Jerrold Tarog the director of Heneral Luna

Direc Jerrold Tarog during the Heroism for Millennials forum at APC